the worth of an eggplant

I’ve been growing vegetables in my little garden for over ten years, and one may wonder what is the benefit...

nature in balance

Nature always finds its way back to balance. Not the rigorous balance people conceive of, based on logic and rules,...

magic beans

I plant scarlet runner beans for their flowers – all the beauty of sweet peas with none of the high...

container gardening

Container gardening sneaks up on you. You start with one potted plant and pretty soon the entire patio or balcony...

anxiously awaiting

After so many months of winter I tend to forget how beautiful the garden is, and how much I enjoy...

spring cleaning

The garden is finally in shape, after titanic efforts which spanned over most of the week, a little late, but...

round fruit

Most suburban dwellers don’t have the space and the sun exposure required to grow pumpkins, the big round fruit has...

old-fashioned heirlooms

When a cottage garden is well designed it makes you forget the planning that went into creating it and takes...

new harvest

I’m so excited to see the first produce getting ready for harvest, it’s almost time to start the yield table for...

first tomatoes

The first tomatoes, from the Supersweet 100 variety. This year’s production is not overwhelming, but adequate. If you never grew...