Designing the Wild

The most common colors for native flowers are white, yellow and purple, and if you intend to recreate the look...

Tactile Borders

Enjoying the garden is a tactile experience, and that usually comes as a surprise. We don’t pay enough attention to...

Purple Sage

Please admire the mighty sage, which took over the herb garden during the summer, before I trim its expansionist habits....


The calendar says winter is here, but nature begs to differ. It’s still so warm and humid, a weather pattern...

Kitchen Garden Marigolds

Isn’t this beautiful? Few annuals are easier to grow than marigolds, a quality that makes them so ubiquitous one tends...

Golden Light

I wondered what gave the hostas their impressive golden foliage last year, and I learned that it was a combination of...

Autumn Yellow

I always thought of goldenrod as a dyer’s plant and was surprised to learn that it has medicinal properties. Its...

Lily Flowering Tulips

The buds of lily flowering tulips remind us of their Turkish ancestry: they have an hourglass shape that opens up at the...

Peppercorn Plants

You look at this modest spice and find it hard to believe than all through Antiquity and the Middle Ages...


Because of the very late start of the season the annuals are a few weeks behind schedule. Not the tomatoes, mind you, they tower...