the secret lives of plants

If you ever watched a time lapse footage of a plant you can’t see the botanical world the same again....

magic beans

I plant scarlet runner beans for their flowers – all the beauty of sweet peas with none of the high...


A delicate curtain of blue trumpets is gracefully draping the pine tree, vines hanging loosely from the branches, double looping...

morning glories

Just when I was wondering why the morning glories stopped blooming I realized they moved up to the tree canopy....

‘Heavenly Blue’ Morning Glory

When I was planning to write an entry about morning glory it didn’t occur to me that it might involve...


Looking for a good addition to your rock garden or dry sunny spot?  The winecups (or purple poppy mallow) are...

clematis jackmanii

Clematis plants love full sun but some of them (like the one in the picture) tolerate light shade or more...