the end of the gardening year

Today it snowed. It’s not the first snow of the year, but it is the kind that looks like it...

gardening by the moon

Gardening by the moon is a bit of a contentious subject among farmers and gardeners; some swear by it and...

summer glow

Sometimes mid to late winter one starts to look outside and not remember what the garden was like at the...


With temperatures stubbornly stuck in the eighties and nineties I would have missed the beginning of fall this year but...

the bulb catalogs are here

The bulb catalogs started arriving in the mail, which gives me about a month to plan for next spring. Probably...

the breath of fall

It has gotten unusually cold all of a sudden, much too early for the beginning of fall. A dreary drizzle...


Nature always finds its way back to balance. Not the rigorous balance people conceive of, based on logic and rules,...

bee trivia

There must be a hive somewhere in the neighborhood, because bees visit my garden very often, to gather nectar from...

in the land of coneflowers

I find peace in my garden, among the tall cone flowers and daisies that reach up to my waist, resting...


I went outside to enjoy the peace and quiet of a summer afternoon, but I’m out of luck. Between the...