golden light

I wondered what gave the hostas their impressive golden foliage last year, and I learned that it was a combination of...

warm fuzzies

Fluffy fuzzy woolly bear caterpillar. When it eventually undergoes metamorphosis it turns into a Tiger Moth (one of the rare...

painting with light

It is not the change of the seasons or the succession of blooms that keep your garden always new, but...

at palau reial des pedralbes

It was hot the morning we arrived at Palau Reial, the fiery Catalan sun bore down on us relentlessly. The...

september activities

September is the month to expand your flower beds or make changes to established ones: the weather does not stress the plants and as they slow down their metabolic processes to...

home made salves

The difference between a cream and a salve is that salves always contain beeswax and they are a lot firmer (think lip...


My lovely itinerant snapdragons! Anticipating their next location is one of my favorite gardening activities.  I am not sure why this...

how to grow a garden effortlessly

A wise person once said that without a gardener there is no garden. As a dedicated green thumb I can...

shade darlings

Walking through the garden I realized I seem to have more luck with the shaded areas than those with full sun exposure. The logical reason for...

creepy crawlies

Have you noticed how many beautiful ground covers fall into the creepy category? Creeping phlox, creeping veronicas, creeping Jenny? These plants usually spread...