Cure for the Unrelenting Blah

In anticipation of good weather I’m already planning some gardening activities, there are summer bulbs to be planted and perennials beds to be cleaned up for spring.

I took a stroll through the back yard this morning, and even though most of the snow is still there, I can feel nature breathe in the spring sun. Plodding through day after day bullied by cloudy skies and bone chilling temperatures, I almost forgot how beautiful the garden is, how exhilarating it is to feel it warm up and try to guess the fresh growth right under the soil surface, almost ready to breach it.

A few daring bulbs decided to brave bitter temperatures last week, and their green shoots are already poking through the wet dirt towards the sun. The flower beds are going to need a good dose of spring cleaning, but I don’t care! After so much winter drudgery I would clean them twice without complaining, just to be out there and watch the plants grow.

This may be a case of “be careful what you wish for”: the southern magnolia looks like it’s going to lose all its foliage again, the late subfreezing temperatures did it in. And oh, boy, can that tree shed! 

I’m literally watching snow melt, the twenty five degree temperature jump will make that happen in a matter of minutes, not hours. 

This looks like it’s going to be one of those years when the plant world rushes through the transition between winter and spring, when you go to bed in January and wake up in May. I can’t wait!

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