Wild Garden

It rained after a long time, it rained over the wilderness of the garden, over the random mishmash of overgrown stems and flowers. As in years past, the garden pays homage to my free rein horticultural style by devolving to its previously non-planned state, shall we say.

The rain came as a blessing after many days of sweltering heat and every plant breathed a sigh of relief at the abundance of water made available again. Even after many years of gardening I still can’t get used to the non linear graph of plant development: they don’t grow a little bit every day, their evolution is lumpy, like a knotted string, like an uneven thread crafted by an unexperienced spinster. After a week of stagnation everything doubled in size, and the change was so blatant I paused to ponder whether I was in the same garden.

I can almost feel the giddiness and relief of plant life, its rejoicing under the drenching rain, like a boost of oxygen for the lungs, like a large gulp of cool water after a long thirst. The big light and sound show in the sky energizes life in a primeval way, touching only emotion and unexplainable by reason. The old brain guidance that used to ensure human survival in prehistoric times is still alive and well, well hidden underneath multiple layers of analytical reasoning, artistic expression and scientific observation, ready to shed years of learned suitable behavior and jump in puddles again. In a way it is a reminder of our commonality with the other living things on earth, and the shared emotion of life thriving.

A common course in miracles, as a dear friend once said, after all life would become a little stale if we understood everything. That being said, I’m sure there is a scientific study somewhere that analyzes and explains the dynamic of plant growth in great detail and I would like to apologize in advance to the author of that study for my ignorance.

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