Posts by allyeargarden

Lily Pons

After last year’s frigid winter I feared I lost the tea roses, whose canes are not as winter hardy as the shrub varieties’. With a...


There is an amazing quality vegetables have to mature unnoticed right under your nose until one morning you look closer...


Since plant foliage usually doesn’t come in lavender gray, even for lavender itself, and this is the first time lavender...


Because of the very late start of the season the annuals are a few weeks behind schedule. Not the tomatoes, mind you, they tower...

The Garden in May

Perennial gardens look their best in May. It is the month of peonies and roses, irises and bleeding hearts. Everything...

Radiant Skin

Three major factors contribute to the health of your skin: good nutrition and general wellbeing, good conditioning and removing dead cells and impurities. Good nutrition and...

Wound Healers

There are two strong antiseptics directly extracted from plants: one is tea tree oil, only found in the leaves of the Australian plant, and the...

Rose Breeding

The procedure for creating new roses is lengthy and the success rate is very low, but if you are really...

Achenes, capsules, pods and pomes

Here is next year’s garden, well, at least part of it, anyway. The seeds will go into labeled little bags and...

Country Garden Favorites

The country garden relies on scent just as much as it does on color and texture. Gertrude Jekyll popularized this garden...