summer glow

Sometimes mid to late winter one starts to look outside and not remember what the garden was like at the peak of its glory. That’s usually when one starts going through photos from seasons past and can’t even believe those images were real.

You can’t appreciate the embarrassment of riches nature puts forth during the summer, there is just so much to meet the eye all the time and you hardly have time to keep up with it, but the photos are there, as proof that yes, those were the roses, weighing down the canes, and those were the sunny daisies keeping company to the fragrant phlox, and those peonies really were that big.

My point is that we and nature run ourselves differently. Our lives are linear, nature runs in cycles. What that means, except for the fact that nature’s way is better, is that on that February afternoon when you can see nothing but dark and dreary muck, you’re three short months away from the most extraordinary garden splendor. How many things in life can you think of that are like that and come with a hundred percent guarantee?

Of course, come spring and summer, the gardener gets caught up again in pruning, cleaning and dead heading and forgets to enjoy the beauty of the garden again, and that’s when photography comes in handy. You record the glorious sights for later. What else are you going to do in February? Or October, as the case may be.

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