
The best way to describe the September garden is a charming mess. The summer plants don’t know whether it makes...

herbs in the rain

I checked the long range weather forecast and it seems we’re in for a repeat of last year’s hot and...

health and beauty – roses

There is no better flower for mature and thinning skin than the rose. It restores the complexion to its elastic,...

too much rain, too little rain

It’s raining really hard again, a heavy rain complete with lightning bolts and earth shaking thunder. The air is too...

garden phlox

Speaking of plants that come true from seed, this particular variety of garden phlox is very reliable in that respect....


Nature always finds its way back to balance. Not the rigorous balance people conceive of, based on logic and rules,...

bee trivia

There must be a hive somewhere in the neighborhood, because bees visit my garden very often, to gather nectar from...

fine art

It turns out flower gardening meets the criteria in the definition of art: it is a human activity dedicated to...

wildflower meadows

I wished for a wildflower meadow a couple of years back, but when I looked into the details of creating...

flower meadow

I wished for a wildflower meadow a couple of years back, but when I looked into the details of creating...