herbs in the rain

I checked the long range weather forecast and it seems we’re in for a repeat of last year’s hot and rainy season. The trend started already, with two full weeks of rain which put the foliage into overdrive and the flowers on pause.

The sunny meadow herbs don’t much care for rain, that’s probably why yarrow isn’t exuberant this summer, but the broad leaved ones are simply going crazy. All the mints are knee high, I haven’t seen them like this in a long time.

The potted calendulas which I thought gave up the ghost last month came back from the dead. The sage and the wormwood grew mighty tall, fighting each other for territory and trying to elbow out the smaller herbs, like marjoram and thyme. The latter, sustained by regular feedings and abundant rainfall, stood their ground, poking valiant stems through the smothering foliage of their assailants.

The lemon balm and the lemon verbena are engaged a contest to decide which of them can sprawl farther and grow leafier. Even the dignified rosemary, the poster child for plants who prefer drought to rain, grew another foot.

There is hyssop in there somewhere, and if I ever get a stretch of dry weather long enough to weed and prune the herb border, I might be able to find it. Everything’s a mess, but looks healthy enough, in a rain forest sort of way.

I’m just waiting for the monsoon to end so I can finally see some flowers.

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