
Most gardeners, sometimes not knowingly, have an idealized image of what a garden should be and aspire to recreate it, slightly altered...

Blue Eyed Mary

The garden wore blue and white flowers for Easter, really pretty and fresh in the sunlight. The blue-eyed Marys dressed the soil under the crab apple tree in delicate...

Flowering Ground Covers

I can’t figure out the precise point when a fast spreading plant becomes a ground cover. Some, like ivy, periwinkle...

Cure for the Unrelenting Blah

In anticipation of good weather I’m already planning some gardening activities, there are summer bulbs to be planted and perennials beds to be cleaned...

Troubleshooting Roses

Roses have earned the dubious privilege of being considered sensitive and difficult to grow. This is not entirely true of course, a...

golden light

I wondered what gave the hostas their impressive golden foliage last year, and I learned that it was a combination of...


My lovely itinerant snapdragons! Anticipating their next location is one of my favorite gardening activities.  I am not sure why this...

container gardening

Container gardening sneaks up on you. You start with one potted plant and pretty soon the entire patio or balcony...

plant based dyes

Long before the dawn of synthetic dyes, the world of textiles was enchanting us with warm brick reds, stunning fuchsias, royal purples,...

garden texture

Gardeners often forget the touchable appeal of texture in the landscape – the soft chenilles of tall grasses, the hairy stems of chamomile,...