Designing the Wild

The most common colors for native flowers are white, yellow and purple, and if you intend to recreate the look...

warm fuzzies

Fluffy fuzzy woolly bear caterpillar. When it eventually undergoes metamorphosis it turns into a Tiger Moth (one of the rare...

bee trivia

There must be a hive somewhere in the neighborhood, because bees visit my garden very often, to gather nectar from...

herb of the animals

In old Thracian mythology Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, the white swallow-wort, nicknamed Herb of the Animals, was thought to possess powerful magic that could...

the understory

Early April is a critical time for the understory, which gets a head start in the sunshine before the large...


Everyone is familiar with this weird characteristic of mushrooms: they spring out of the ground overnight, fully grown, whenever they...


I love watching bees swarm the stonecrops on nice sunny afternoons. If a garden is thriving, the bees will come...

grandma capilano

It is not called a rainforest for nothing. It rained when we visited it, but I didn’t care. Wispy clouds...

bee trivia

There must be a hive somewhere in the neighborhood, because bees visit my garden very often, to gather nectar from...

wildflower meadows

I wished for a wildflower meadow a couple of years back, but when I looked into the details of creating...