container gardening

Container gardening sneaks up on you. You start with one potted plant and pretty soon the entire patio or balcony...

plant based dyes

Long before the dawn of synthetic dyes, the world of textiles was enchanting us with warm brick reds, stunning fuchsias, royal purples,...


I took a stroll through the garden, just to take in its glorious fragrance. The great southern magnolia is in...

blessed summer

An image for those dreary days in February or November when you can’t see the end of grueling chores, when...

herb gardens

As a child I used to watch with fascination as my grandfather’s hands gently teased apart leaves and flowers and...

garden texture

Gardeners often forget the touchable appeal of texture in the landscape – the soft chenilles of tall grasses, the hairy stems of chamomile,...


Everybody has dreams, cherished desires of their heart, someday stories. Often life gets in the way and worries and responsibilities take ownership...


Most gardeners, often unknowingly, have an idealized image of what a garden should look like, and aspire to recreate it,...

anxiously awaiting

After so many months of winter I tend to forget how beautiful the garden is, and how much I enjoy...

the garden of remembrance

I walk the foot wide dirt path between the flower beds, careful not to get scratched by the landscaping roses...