the herb wheel

The herb wheel is a very old garden pattern and a very special one, which is why green thumbs who...

very sage

I had to give the sage a serious hair cut so that the struggling rose could emerge from under it....

a pot of mixed basil

I always have a few pots of herbs on the balcony, which get to bask in the sunshine all summer...


There is a whole list of plants I feel like I know well because I encountered them in literary works,...

healing gardens

The first time I saw an herb garden I thought it weird. Why would one want to waste so much...


I always thought of goldenrod as a dyer’s plant and was surprised to learn that it has medicinal properties. Its...

herbs for clay soils

I know gardening wisdom says that most herbs thrive in poor soils, category that always includes clay for some reason,...

solomon’s seal

Here’s another woodland native, but one that is a little easier to adapt. The gardening wisdom says that once it...

fresh herbs

Throughout my childhood, my grandmother did not let a day pass her by without extolling the marvelous health benefits of...


The first time I saw an herb garden in a public park I asked myself what was the point of...