how to grow herbs

You decided to start an herb garden? Here are a few tips. Most herbs like full sun (except a few,...

working with herbs

Working with herbs is an art and small details in the practice of harvesting and preserving them make the difference...


When you start looking into its qualities, rosemary can be quite intimidating, it seems to be good for everything: it...


A resilient weed, native to the northern hemisphere, yarrow grows wild in open fields and along the sides of the...

tending the herb garden

All the medicinal plants are in bloom, a rare sight for the herb patch, whose blossoms are usually scarce and...

nature’s antiseptics

There are two strong antiseptics directly extracted from plants: one is tea tree oil, only found in the leaves of...


If you were wondering what exactly the color mauve looks like, this is it. We know that because this is...


Since plant foliage usually doesn’t come in this hue, even for lavender itself, and this is the first time lavender...

holy aloe

I got this aloe plant for medicinal purposes, since aloe gel is a wonderful moisturizer and a great first aid...

lemon balm

The scent of lemon balm is warm, citrusy and soothing, a fistful of good cheer on a cloudy day. This...