Posts by allyeargarden

Rain Crops

The tomatoes may not be on their best behavior during rainy summers, not unless you planted them for their foliage,...

Garden Tasks for July

As rewarding as July is for the hard working green thumb, the list of garden chores for this month is...

The Elegant Eggplant

I was surprised to see how well the eggplants were doing until I found out they’re monsoon crops. Of course...

Working with Herbs

The efficacy of herbal home remedies and cosmetics depends on the quality of the plant material, as any accomplished herbalist...

Midsummer Bloom

If you need any motivation to start a cottage garden, all you need to do is walk by one in...

Summer Downpour

It rained last night, an epic downpour with powerful lightning and rumbling thunder, a true summer rain. It started suddenly...

Almost Perennials

Hollyhocks, love in a mist, four o’clocks, poppies, spider flowers, French mallows, larkspur and nicotiana may be annual and biennial...

The Lilies

Lilies are the kind of flower that inspire a following. They boast endless variety and if you really want, you...

From the Prairie to the Garden

Native species gardens are growing in popularity because they are so ecologically responsible. Their plants are self sufficient, self-cleaning, and...

Planting Guidelines

Planting three to five plants per family member is usually enough to yield enough for a family. Herbs and leafy...