Posts by allyeargarden

opal basil

Speaking of purple plant pigments, the ones in opal basil are responsible for turning aromatic vinegars a beautiful shade of...

herb harvesting

For a good part of the summer the house is strewn with bunches of herbs hung up to dry. The...

perennial groundcovers

I can’t figure out the precise point when a fast spreading plant becomes a ground cover. Some, like ivy, periwinkle...

herbal cosmetics

I am surprised that yarrow is not used more often in skin care, because it can hold its own with...

rain perfume

The hostas are in bloom, and much like last year, they are a sight to behold. You don’t know the...

easy color schemes

Unless it was designed that way, it is kind of hard to impose a color scheme on an established garden,...

the fullness of summer

There is a time around the middle of July when the garden looks absolutely resplendent. It feels like every flower...

what a mess!

You will not believe the level of chaos nature can impose on a reasonably well tended garden in three weeks....

how to grow herbs

You decided to start an herb garden? Here are a few tips. Most herbs like full sun (except a few,...

about watering

Shortly after I took this picture a powerful summer storm started, and not a moment too soon, I was a...