Posts by allyeargarden


Stem, root or leaf cuttings are the nursery standard for the propagation of perennials, especially those whose clumps grow woody...

cold front

The winter arrived, somewhat tentative but for good. Yesterday it snowed with the large and fluffy kind of flakes which...

fragrant roses

A rose garden at the height of summer is a breathtaking sight. At this time the June roses haven’t faded...

november rose

I was walking through the garden trying to assess what is left to do before winter descends upon us for...

my beautiful

My beautiful is preparing for winter and there’s not much I can do about it so I’m starting next year’s...

all the pretty colors

The leaves are colored by three types of pigments: chlorophyll, which keeps them green during the warm season, carotenoids, which...

the purple shift

I never tire of watching the patterns of my garden, and after I’ve got used to noticing them they are...

the change of season

Fall took me by surprise this year. I know it’s almost October but the weather has been so warm until...

fall orchids

Every year I wait for this princess, the orchid of the northern garden, a plant whose flowers are as exquisite...


The best way to describe the September garden is a charming mess. The summer plants don’t know whether it makes...