
I took a stroll through the garden, just to take in its glorious fragrance. The great southern magnolia is in bloom, after so many years I can’t even remember, and the sublime perfume of its flowers mingles with the heady sweet scent of the garden phlox and the spicy accents of bee balm and mint.

Next week marks the official beginning of summer, but summer is already here, judging by the unmistakable smell of heated herbs. There is a mish-mash of bloom in the garden, some belonging to the beginning of summer, some belonging to the beginning of fall. Plumbago and hostas blooming together, among bright orange daylilies, lavender and phlox. Here and there the lilies I planted last summer are trying to assert themselves, not very sturdy yet.

All the early hostas are fragrant, a fragrance that will blend into the scented evening air next week when they bloom. Oh, blessed summer! Warmth, sustenance, fragrance and beauty, what more can a gardener ask? Some people get bored as the season advances, and start dreaming about pumpkins and gourds and the sparkle of a white Christmas. Not me. I never miss winter, chestnuts roasting on an open fire or not.

The season barely started and I have the whole length of it to enjoy, and the mere thought of it makes me giddy.

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