spring cleaning

The garden is finally in shape, after titanic efforts which spanned over most of the week, a little late, but...

high maintenance roses

Us hopeful rosarians have to admit that roses are not just another pretty flower. There is something very special and...

tips for growing roses

I learned the most important facts about roses from my grandfather and they go like this: Roses are not fussy...

heartwarming soups

There is great comfort in a wispy bowl of hot soup on a cold winter day, whether it is the...

fruit compote

I don’t know how many people grew up with fruit compote as a staple of their diet. My grandparents made...

february and fruit trees

I gingerly stepped out the door and a blast of cold air threw me back in. It’s February. So much...

make raspberry jam

INGREDIENTS: (1) bowl of black raspberries, (2) pounds of sugar, (3) cups of water, juice from one lemon. Wash the...

make calendula-mint salve

INGREDIENTS: (1) cup of infused oil (see instructions below), (1) ounce of beeswax. To prepare infused oil, fill a glass...