flowering onions

If the spirit moves you towards a romanticized view of these lovely spring bulbs let me be the one to...

solomon’s seal

Here’s another woodland native, but one that is a little easier to adapt. The gardening wisdom says that once it...

flower meadow

I wished for a wildflower meadow a couple of years back, but when I looked into the details of creating...

anxiously awaiting

After so many months of winter I tend to forget how beautiful the garden is, and how much I enjoy...

caring for hyacinths

The thing about hyacinths is that they don’t need special care, they need the conditions they have become accustomed to:...

december planting

It turns out it was not too late to plant daffodils after all. I found a large bag waiting sadly...

fall hostas

The hostas bloomed like never before this year, in my garden and everywhere else, proving to unenthusiastic gardeners how stunning...

round fruit

Most suburban dwellers don’t have the space and the sun exposure required to grow pumpkins, the big round fruit has...

charming blue

Gardens have personalities, just like people. You can plant your garden, but it will decide what stays and what goes....


Lavender is a wonderful herb for skin care. Its essential oil heals sunburn, irritation, bites and scrapes, improves the texture...