produce yield 2015

2015’s Home Farming Project entry: the produce yield of approximately 20 square feet of good soil.

The cucurbits are having the year to beat all years!

Date Tomatoes Peppers Hot Peppers Eggplant Beans Cucumbers Zucchini
7/4/2015 2.125
8/12/2015 8.125 6.25 0.375 7.125 66.625 12.125
8/15/2015 10.875
8/20/2015 1 10.5
8/21/2015 8
8/23/2015 3.675 1.25 3.25 13.675
8/29/2015 5.25 0.75 1
9/6/2015 19.625 6.625
9/8/2015 6.625
9/20/2015 16.375 6.125 12.75
10/14/2015 6.5 12.375
Total(oz) 53.05 20.875 0.375 46.25 97.425 31
Total(lbs) 3.32 1.30 0.02 2.89 6.09 1.94