very sage

I had to give the sage a serious hair cut so that the struggling rose could emerge from under it....

the glow of late afternoons

Everything looked radiant in the glow of the golden hour, before the sunset dimmed it to violet and blue. This...

any moment now…

May is the month when the garden is most beautiful. Everything is perfect in May, the foliage is fresh and...

green flowers

I know, right? Why on earth would a flower enthusiast want a monochrome scheme in green, green flowers never stand...

rose babies

This rose’s parent succumbed two years ago during a brutal winter its little offspring managed to survive. That portion of...

naturally good soil

Although I am an enthusiastic advocate of natural gardening, I wasn’t much of a fan of composting until I procrastinated...

thoughts at the beginning of winter

The last of the bulbs arrived and I finished planting them literally hours before winter started full blast. It snowed...

fall orchids

Every year I wait for this princess, the orchid of the northern garden, a plant whose flowers are as exquisite...


The best way to describe the September garden is a charming mess. The summer plants don’t know whether it makes...

fall perennials

By the time sedum starts to bloom autumn is not too far behind, and since every year I have the...