veggies to start outdoors

Some plants don’t benefit from being started indoors. There are a few reasons for this: their tender foliage has a...

german iris

A few years ago I used to walk by a bulb border every day. Somebody had planted them in layers...

high drama

If you want to create drama in your garden, by all means, pick all white flowers. People don’t usually crave...

three more months

I’m looking out the window at yet another installment of snow, trying to remember spring. The plant catalogs have arrived...

the moon garden

Ok, I know everybody is busy and strolling through your garden at night is not the first thing that comes...

the gardening year

I was browsing through past years’ gardening articles and I got overtaken by this feeling of certainty and permanence. It...

dormant garden


garden angels

Whether you believe in angels or not, we’re all acquainted with the wealth of stories that evolved from the faith...

the end of the gardening year

Today it snowed. It’s not the first snow of the year, but it is the kind that looks like it...

gardening by the moon

Gardening by the moon is a bit of a contentious subject among farmers and gardeners; some swear by it and...