
Since they went above and beyond this spring, let’s talk about sweet violets.These beautiful early spring bloomers love moist, rich...


These lilies bloom for only a few days at the height of summer, and I often miss their splendid flowers...

polianthes tuberosa

Aah, the queen of fragrance, Polianthes tuberosa, a joy to gardeners and perfumers alike, probably the most fragrant flower ever....


If you ever create a garden for children don’t forget the snapdragons. The little ones love to pinch the “dragon...

how to grow pinks

Cottage pinks are easy to grow perennials that enjoy sunny locations but will do moderately well in part shade. They...

chamomile groundcover

If you have a sunny slope that is difficult to mow, in a location with well drained, sandy soil, try...


Lavender is a wonderful herb for skin care. Its essential oil heals sunburn, irritation, bites and scrapes, improves the texture...

summer flowers

I can’t tell you how many times I walked through the garden enchanted by the abundance of flowers and wished...

high maintenance roses

Us hopeful rosarians have to admit that roses are not just another pretty flower. There is something very special and...

exotic fragrance

Tuberose oil is a staple scent for perfumery, obtained through chemical extraction by means of concretes and absolutes, and it...