herb harvesting

For a good part of the summer the house is strewn with bunches of herbs hung up to dry. The...

the makings of a vegetable garden

Even for those of us with a more relaxed attitude towards garden design, a vegetable garden demands discipline. For one,...


Since they went above and beyond this spring, let’s talk about sweet violets.These beautiful early spring bloomers love moist, rich...


Isn’t this beautiful? Few annuals are easier to grow than marigolds, a quality that makes them so ubiquitous one tends...

pumpkins, squashes and gourds

What would fall be without pumpkins, squashes and gourds? This year I learned, to my surprise, that if you leave...

purple pods

If I knew how much I would enjoy purple beans, I would only have planted those to begin with. Besides...

garden imagery

There are the rare moments when simple images like these are more than enough to justify dripping sweat over organic...


I kind of planted the beans for their flowers, but they proved to be quite productive. The bright purple pods...


If you were wondering what exactly the color mauve looks like, this is it. We know that because this is...

lemon verbena

I know, when you think cooking herb, lemon verbena is not the first plant that comes to mind. A lot...