
If you were wondering what exactly the color mauve looks like, this is it. We know that because this is...

holy aloe

I got this aloe plant for medicinal purposes, since aloe gel is a wonderful moisturizer and a great first aid...

pamper your skin

If any hands deserve pampering and care, there would be those of gardeners. They scoop and putter, weed and feed...


Lavender is a wonderful herb for skin care. Its essential oil heals sunburn, irritation, bites and scrapes, improves the texture...

exotic fragrance

Tuberose oil is a staple scent for perfumery, obtained through chemical extraction by means of concretes and absolutes, and it...

homemade salves and creams

The difference between a cream and a salve is that salves always contain beeswax and they are a lot firmer...

beautiful shiny hair

When I was a child my grandmother picked walnut leaves and boiled them to use as a hair rinse. I...

make calendula-mint salve

INGREDIENTS: (1) cup of infused oil (see instructions below), (1) ounce of beeswax. To prepare infused oil, fill a glass...