indian summer

Surreal orange-violet sunsets and a gentle warm breeze under cotton candy skies. Colorful rainbows and mellow hazy air enveloping you...

winter is not coming everywhere

If the thought of the approaching three or four months of cold white blankness make you sad, just remember winter...

pickle green tomatoes

If you live somewhere between zone 4 and zone 6, this would be the time you walk around your garden...


Looking for a good addition to your rock garden or dry sunny spot?  The winecups (or purple poppy mallow) are...

autumn leaves

If only fall landscape weren’t so beautiful, one would be inclined to become very annoyed at the daunting task of...

fall bounty

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere, and hay bundles and little scarecrows! In the soft darkness of “Beggar’s Night” little candles glow inside...

magnolia fruit

As promised, this is what the gorgeous magnolia fruit looks like. The kernels look so much like corn, it’s uncanny!...

layer raspberries

Raspberries will do this all by themselves if you let them. They’ll arch gracefully until they touch the ground, and...

Crabapple fruit

This wonderful little tree is literally weighed down with fruit. Speaking of garden interest for the cold months, these pretty...

snapdragon seedpods

These seedpods are not ripe yet, but I wanted to share this diaphanous image of exactly how amazing the beauty...