rainy summer solstice

The Summer solstice came and went, the longest day of the year shrouded in clouds. It rains every day, downpours...

the weekly gardener

I’m sorry for not writing for a week, but here is the reason. Please check out the little sister of...


If you haven’t cooked with lovage before I can tell you that you missed out on a very flavorful herb....

cup of joe for your plants?

Do you want a great organic fertilizer that will boost your vegetable production and encourage profuse blooming for your roses?...

20 things not to do when growing a garden

Growing a thriving garden is as much a result of the things you do as it is of the things...

the incredible edible rose

And the winner of the first rose to bloom this year award is….Hansa! This beautiful rugosa is an all year...

bearded iris

Bearded irises are so care free that one sees them growing on the side of the road sometimes. They also...

fringed bleeding heart

A friend and fellow gardener gave me these fringed bleeding heart seeds which I sprinkled over the shady flower bed...

plant propagation

Plant propagation is a cost free or at least a very inexpensive way to grow your plant stock. It only...

spring garden maintenance

The irony of keeping a gardening blog is that one only has time to write in it when there is...