Lavender is a wonderful herb for skin care. Its essential oil heals sunburn, irritation, bites and scrapes, improves the texture...
Lavender is a wonderful herb for skin care. Its essential oil heals sunburn, irritation, bites and scrapes, improves the texture...
I can’t tell you how many times I walked through the garden enchanted by the abundance of flowers and wished...
One of the pleasures of growing a vegetable garden is watching small yields of different vegetables ripen at the same time,...
I’m so excited to see the first produce getting ready for harvest, it’s almost time to start the yield table for...
The first tomatoes, from the Supersweet 100 variety. This year’s production is not overwhelming, but adequate. If you never grew...
Changing the color of the ground is another great way do delineate a space: a mass planting of orange flowers,...
Every year the generous tomato plants bless us with an overabundance of fruit that doesn’t have the chance to ripen...
Did you know that betony was thought to chase away vengeful ghosts, evil enchantments and bad dreams? I’m not acquainted...
Because of the late start of the season the annuals are a few weeks behind schedule. Not the tomatoes, mind...