the change of season

Fall took me by surprise this year. I know it’s almost October but the weather has been so warm until...

fall orchids

Every year I wait for this princess, the orchid of the northern garden, a plant whose flowers are as exquisite...


The best way to describe the September garden is a charming mess. The summer plants don’t know whether it makes...

toad lilies

I couldn’t imagine my garden without the toad lilies, whose blossoms are as close to approximating a tropical orchids as...

the bright light of the clouds

The skies are very bright in spite of the rain, not with the warm radiance that sunshine brings, but with...

september rain

September brought with it capricious weather, a whole week of hot humid days followed by another bout of rain. While...

the purple shift

I never tire of watching the patterns of my garden, and after I’ve got used to noticing them they are...

I know, right?

One can never plan for this kind of picture, nature must gift you it, undeserved. There has to be just...

fall perennials

By the time sedum starts to bloom autumn is not too far behind, and since every year I have the...

millefleur tapestry

Every spring I plan on planting more annuals and every summer I fall short of the desired effect. At least...