Rose Breeding

The procedure for creating new roses is lengthy and the success rate is very low, but if you are really...

Achenes, capsules, pods and pomes

Here is next year’s garden, well, at least part of it, anyway. The seeds will go into labeled little bags and...

Country Garden Favorites

The country garden relies on scent just as much as it does on color and texture. Gertrude Jekyll popularized this garden...

Leaves of Thyme

Speaking of thyme, it is a very old and reputable aromatic plant, valued both as a kitchenand as a medicinal herb. Due to its...


If you have a sunny slope that is difficult to mow, in a location with well drained, sandy soil, try a chamomile lawn....

Spring Border

The garden is still hesitating, the larger flowers haven’t sprung yet but the tiny ones coverthe flower beds with a cheerful patchwork of mostly...


Most gardeners, sometimes not knowingly, have an idealized image of what a garden should be and aspire to recreate it, slightly altered...

Summer Night Rain

The rain started right before midnight, with a soft, somewhat tentative thunder announcing it from afar, almost as if it...


Daffodils on the table next to the laptop, I plan next year’s garden. It always seems wise to plan until the first...

Blue Eyed Mary

The garden wore blue and white flowers for Easter, really pretty and fresh in the sunlight. The blue-eyed Marys dressed the soil under the crab apple tree in delicate...