Posts by allyeargarden

Roses for Landscaping

It is amazing what special status roses have in gardens! A gardener will move a tree, completely restructure a flower...

Autumn Yellow

I always thought of goldenrod as a dyer’s plant and was surprised to learn that it has medicinal properties. Its...


I love watching bees swarm the stonecrops on nice sunny afternoons. If a garden is thriving, the bees will come...

Lily Flowering Tulips

The buds of lily flowering tulips remind us of their Turkish ancestry: they have an hourglass shape that opens up at the...

Tomato Patch

I don’t even know how this picture happened, there is so much sunshine in the vegetable garden that getting such...

Fruit Compote

I don’t know how many people grew up with fruit compote as a staple of their diet. My grandparents made it throughout the summer to...

Peppercorn Plants

You look at this modest spice and find it hard to believe than all through Antiquity and the Middle Ages...

Tomato Harvest

Judging by the yield table, this year I planted a tomato garden. Sure I started with a variety of vegetables, but that was...

June Heat

The garden is six weeks ahead, it’s been so warm! In the unseasonable heat the midsummer flowers are pressing ahead: lilies, hostas, bee balms, daisies,...

Gifts of the Sun

I would like to tell you a story about a gardener who grew up in the city. In her late...