Posts by allyeargarden

The Color of Fragrance

Strangely enough, perfumers categorize fragrances by color, because the mind connects the scents to the images they evoke. Green perfumes boast...

Garden Angels

Whether you believe in angels or not, we’re all acquainted with the wealth of stories that evolved from people’s faith...

Soft Fog

Nature stepped quietly into the end of the year, wrapped in a sleepy drizzle that turned to fog before it...

Winter Aromatherapy

Planting the bulbs marked the end of this year’s gardening activities, and not a moment too soon: winter is coming...

Bulb Propagation

If you love root division, you’ll be happy to know that it works for bulbs too, via scaling, slicing, scooping...


The calendar says winter is here, but nature begs to differ. It’s still so warm and humid, a weather pattern...


The healing powers attributed to calendulas make even enthusiastic herbalists roll their eyes sometimes. No, it’s not the universal botanical remedy, but...

Gardens in Jars

Terraria seem to have come back in fashion, during my last trip to the plant nursery I’ve seen containers of...


Nature reached its ugly late fall phase and I’m cooped up indoors with my tender perennials which decided to bloom...

Caring for Bulbs during Winter

When you plant bulbs, whether that happens in fall or spring, don’t forget to mix in a good measure of...