Posts by allyeargarden


The gardening community is wonderful and diverse. Would you like to see gardening sites from all over the world, chat...

“Angel Wings” Rose

“Angel Wings” is a precious miniature China rose with flowers and fragrance reminiscent of apple blossoms. It will grow from...

wheat grass

I got a little bit of a late start on this one. It is an old custom for the farmers...

bird tree

The crab apple tree provides two things during the cold seasons: crab apples and birds. Earlier today the branches were...

winter colors

When designing a perennial garden, planning for winter color is essential. Fortunately there is a reasonably wide selection of plants...

the sleeping garden

I walk through the sleeping garden, footsteps muffled by the freshly fallen snow, watching the clean white reflect a rosy...

the happiest place on earth

Greetings and best wishes for the new year from the happiest place on earth – Disney World. What does that...

total lunar eclipse

Total lunar eclipses are not so rare, however a lunar eclipse during winter solstice has not occurred since 1638. The...

red cardinal bird

I have been trying since spring to get this picture. These little guys must have a special sense that tells...

gingerbread house

Families have old traditions. Families make new traditions. This is a new tradition for our family, instituted by my daughter....