Posts by allyeargarden

Rose Fragrances

There isn’t a rose fragrance, there are several. The heavy rose fragrance we’re all familiar with comes from the Damasks...

Designing the Wild

The most common colors for native flowers are white, yellow and purple, and if you intend to recreate the look...

Sunshine Smiles

When I was a child, lesser celandines, or fig buttercups, were favorites of the spring menu, eagerly awaited, as the...

The Bones of the Garden

Gardens crave order, underlying structure; they need it to thrive and look beautiful. Whether that structure relies on geometric symmetry,...

Uncommon Perennials

Passionate gardeners are always on the lookout for rare perennials, and over the years, I found a few gems, as...

Tactile Borders

Enjoying the garden is a tactile experience, and that usually comes as a surprise. We don’t pay enough attention to...

February Pampering

There is nothing particularly attractive about February, the weather is dreadful and summer is way off in the distance. It’s too...

The Dead of Winter

The beginning of February used to mark the midpoint of winter, and I so wish that were still true! The...

Purple Sage

Please admire the mighty sage, which took over the herb garden during the summer, before I trim its expansionist habits....

January Rain

It’s rainy and warm, a lot more like March than January. I worry a little bit that the bulbs are...