Posts by allyeargarden

flowering onions

If the spirit moves you towards a romanticized view of these lovely spring bulbs let me be the one to...

almost spring

In anticipation of good weather I’m already planning some gardening activities, there are summer bulbs to be planted and perennials...

plant catalogs

If you are a dedicated green thumb, all you do after winter begins is sit around and wait for it...


I woke up to wonderful booms of thunder and lightning flashing through the sky early in the morning. Instant happiness....

I’m late, I’m late!

I need to speed up the garden planning if I don’t want the roses to leaf out before I get...

strange and wonderful

Another one of those evenings you are not quite sure were real. It was warm yesterday, almost seventy degrees, with...


These lilies bloom for only a few days at the height of summer, and I often miss their splendid flowers...

seed box

I didn’t go through my seed box yet, but there is still plenty of time, at least a couple more...


Usually the feast of St. John brings the coldest day of the year, and this year was no exception. I...

along the garden path

Heavy snow and ice brought down the last leaves left hanging on the branches, together with a host of brittle...