the end of the gardening year
Today it snowed. It’s not the first snow of the year, but it is the kind that looks like it...
potted bulbs
With the weather finally turning I moved the gardening activities indoors. Surprisingly, the potted tuberose is in bloom, and so...
Terraria seem to have come back in fashion, during my last trip to the plant nursery I’ve seen containers of...
gardening by the moon
Gardening by the moon is a bit of a contentious subject among farmers and gardeners; some swear by it and...
too much rain, too little rain
It’s raining really hard again, a heavy rain complete with lightning bolts and earth shaking thunder. The air is too...
summer glow
Sometimes mid to late winter one starts to look outside and not remember what the garden was like at the...
healing gardens
The first time I saw an herb garden I thought it weird. Why would one want to waste so much...
With temperatures stubbornly stuck in the eighties and nineties I would have missed the beginning of fall this year but...