Posts by allyeargarden

something to look forward to

Every January is filled with the promise of a bountiful harvest, and this one is no exception. I took a...

plant haloes

The best garden photos always take me by surprise, and yes, this cone flower’s aura is real. I don’t know...

desaturated color

Stop playing with the photo editor! The landscape looks depressing!This is all the color available to the eye this, what...

hardiness zones

If you’ve been gardening for a while, no doubt you know what hardiness zone your pride and joy grows in....

freezing rain

How does one use freezing rain in a sentence without spoiling everyone’s mood? I heard it, early in the morning,...

garden love

It’s been so warm this week, with temperatures in the sixties and thick summer downpours, that I almost forgot we’re...


Fall arrived suddenly, with temperatures dropping thirty degrees and a quick change of scenery. It’s not leaf season yet, but...

my backyard beauty

My beautiful is preparing for winter and there’s not much I can do about it so I’m starting next year’s...


In the world of plants the word hybrid immediately brings forth a specific image: greenhouses filled with long tables covered...

the herb wheel

The herb wheel is a very old garden pattern and a very special one, which is why green thumbs who...