I can’t tell you what a treat this is for me! I’ve been trying to grow this plant for years but for some reason it didn’t like my garden at all. I am very fond of chamomile, it brings back cherished memories of walking with my grandfather through wildflower meadows.
It is hard to describe the freedom you feel in the wide open fields where you can see all the way to the horizon, where you can feel the sun in your face and where the wind moves tiny flowers in patterns and waves of color changes, rendering the surroundingsalmost liquid.
Chamomile in the wild bears almost no resemblance to the tame and compact garden variety. It grows tall on strong sappy stems, reaching all the way up to your waist, and you have to swim your way through it, stirring its unique spicy scent. It unfolds in endless blankets of fragrant white flowers and the whole world smells like chamomile.
Of course the trips had a practical purpose and we always returned home with bags of harvested flowers, but how does that alter the enchanting memory? Our world is amarvelous, very special place and every now and then we are privileged to witness its wonders.