How Much To Plant
If you’re wondering how much is enough, here are a few rules of thumb. To feed one person for an entire year, you will need:
– 5 plants each per person for the nightshade and brassica families – tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, potatoes and eggplants.
– 10 to 15 feet each for cucumbers and root vegetables – carrots, parsnips, garlic and onions.
– 1 or 2 nests each for zucchini, summer squash, watermelons and pumpkins
– 20 to 30 feet for dry beans and peas.
– 5 to 10 feet for leafy vegetables – salad, salsify, spinach, chards and kale
– 25 plants each for raspberries and strawberries
– 5 blackberry and 2 blueberry plants
One fruit tree should suffice, but remember most varieties of apple, pear, plum and sweet cherry trees are not self pollinating, and you’ll need at least two, less than 50’ apart, to see fruit.
As far as herbs go, a little goes a long way. Some perennial herbs, like lovage, fennel and sage, grow really large and one clump is more than enough. For low growing annuals and biennials like parsley, dill, basil and thyme, a large pot of mixed herbs will yield enough for fresh and dry use.