Strange and Wonderful

From the helicopters and parachutes of maple seeds and dandelions to the Velcro like grip of smartweeds, stickseeds and burdocks, we’re all acquainted with the determination plants show in ensuring their seed propagation.

In order to promote seed dispersal, plants make their fruits nutritious and colorful, enticing birds and animals to eat them and later spread the seeds far away along with natural fertilizer.

The seed-spitting gourd explodes when it’s ripe, propelling its seeds away from the mother plant, and it’s not alone in using this method.

Mistletoe fruits burst open when they are ripe and launch their sticky seeds onto neighboring trees.

The tension in their drying fruits allows violets and geraniums to shoot seeds at incredible speeds over long distances.

Tumble weeds distribute their seeds by letting the wind blow away their entire plants.

Coconuts, palms, mangroves, and water lilies cast their seeds on the water, which enables their small wooden boats to drift until they encounter favorable conditions for growth.

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