Creams, Lotions and Salves

Creams, lotions and salves contain the same basic ingredients – a hydrosol, an oil or fat and wax – just with different ratios.

Creams are made using a ratio of 1 part water-based ingredients, 3 parts oil-based ones, and 1/2 part wax to ensure their stability. Thick cold creams that remove heavy makeup and protect skin from winter damage are water-free.

The recipe for a lotion calls for a 2:1:0.5 ratio of water-based ingredients, oils, and wax.

Creating a salve is as simple as mixing wax and oil or plant butter in a 1 to 5 ratio.

They all undergo the same manufacturing process. Warm the wax, oil and butter until they melt and combine well, warm the water-based components to the same temperature and blend them into the oil slowly, using a hand blender.

The cream rapidly lightens up and turns fluffy and buttery, like frosting. Once that occurs, add in the essential oils you want, pour the warm cream or salve into a jar, and slightly tighten the lid.

While creams retain their pourable consistency, salves solidify after cooling.

It is recommended to wait 24 hours before use so that the ingredients can blend and balance.

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