Summer Downpour

It rained last night, an epic downpour with powerful lightning and rumbling thunder, a true summer rain.

It started suddenly after dark with an unsettling roar, and after that the gates of the sky opened and dumped the water on the land in one fell swoop.

That’s how rains are around here lately, water comes down in sheets where you can’t tell raindrops apart anymore.

The sweltering humidity that brought it about didn’t seem to let up, it’s just as hot and humid today, maybe it will rain again, I don’t know. 95F and it feels like 113.

It’s only June and we already had a heat advisory. Thank goodness the plants love every minute of it! They would grow in an oven provided they’re watered regularly.

The garden drank up last night’s rain eagerly, and now it’s ready for more. I don’t know where the plants store so much water, it’s been raining for a week and they still don’t seem to get enough.

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