The Lilies

Lilies are the kind of flower that inspire a following. They boast endless variety and if you really want, you can have a lily garden in perpetual bloom from early spring to the end of fall.

The pure perfume of Easter lilies graces grocery stores and garden centers everywhere as early as April, but it’s the Martagon lilies, the beautiful flowers in the photo, that bloom first in the garden.

They open the season for the Asiatic varieties, which carry a profusion of upward facing blooms on short, sturdy stems.

What the Asiatic lilies lack in fragrance, they make up in color: beside white, they come in any warm shade between yellow and maroon.

The Madonna lilies bloom next, always pure white and sweetly fragrant.

Midsummer turns the garden into a paradise of color and fragrance, because that’s when the Trumpets, LA hybrids and Orienpets come into season. Some of these plants are over six foot tall, sporting enormous flowers, downward facing and dripping with fragrance. Plant African Queen, Anastasia, Pretty Woman, Golden Splendor, or Triumphator, you will not be disappointed.

The Oriental lilies steal the show at the end of summer. Their fragrance is intoxicating, it fills the entire garden, and they often dazzle with bright colors and sophisticated patterns. Once you tried Casablanca, Muscadet, or Stargazer lilies, you can’t imagine having a perennial border without them.

Last, the Tiger lilies bring a warm glow to the September garden, with their characteristic orange recurved petals covered in black speckles.

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