
Nature reached its ugly late fall phase and I’m cooped up indoors with my tender perennials which decided to bloom indoors, just to show they care. 

I hate November, it’s one of those thankless months that bring exhausting work in the garden with nothing to show for it. It feels like the trees never run out of leaves, no matter how many bags you haul away. Don’t even get me started on the joys of freezing rain.

Since there is nothing to see outside and it’s getting cold and wet to boot, it felt like a great time to enjoy a decadent and self-indulgent activity, so I’m trying my hand at mixing perfume again, but this time with a purpose. If aromatherapy can improve both the physical and the emotional wellbeing, why not incorporate it into perfume making and reap the benefits? 

Let’s see, for the base notes, the faint scents that linger on the skin long after the strong perfume accents have faded. Rosemary improves memory and focus, chamomile and lavender relieve stress, vetiver helps restore balance and makes one feel grounded, balsam fir comforts and soothes anxiety. 

Now the floral scents, which are customarily used to create the middle notes. These scents carry the memory of the season they belong to and can transport one out of this godforsaken month and into a more appealing one, like June for rose essence, July for linden flowers and lilies, April for lilacs and lily of the valley, September for tuberoses, March for hyacinths, May for honeysuckle. Given their association with a specific time of year and according to the basics of perfume making, these fragrances should never be mixed, they are too strong in and of themselves and will fight each other in ways whose outcome is not altogether pleasant.

For the top notes, the first scent that reveals itself when the perfume is applied, all citrus scents improve the mood, peppermint energizes, and cinnamon and cloves relieve inflammation and keep colds at bay. Did I mention that cinnamon and cloves are also said to bring luck and abundance? Just a thought.

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