The Garden in May

Perennial gardens look their best in May. It is the month of peonies and roses, irises and bleeding hearts. Everything is fresh and green in May, with none of the dusty, dried up tiredness that catches up with the garden at the end of summer.

I figured I’d make a list of the lovelies that make the May garden sparkle. Starting with the shade lovers – foam flowers, dead nettlesclematis, cranesbill, creeping veronicas, lily of the valley, periwinkle, bugleweed

Next, in the sunshine – irises, delphiniums, roseslilacspeonies, coral bellsgiant alliums. Sadly the star of the show, the grand southern magnolia, is conspicuously absent, due to winter damage. 

It rained enough in April, enough to speed up the growth of every plant and flower.Everything glows in white and purple. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many shades of purple yet, as I said, the garden has a mind of its own and it seems to favor the color of contemplation this year.

After all the cold, dreary weather, after everything was pushed back a month, after a very slow start for the frost wary plants, the purple and green harmony almost feels like victory.

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