Wound Healers

There are two strong antiseptics directly extracted from plants: one is tea tree oil, only found in the leaves of the Australian plant, and the other one is thymol, a potent antimicrobial found in thyme and oregano, a substance bee balms also have in abundance. 

If you ever brushed against a clump of monardas you surely noticed that their leaves’ spicy fragrance is stronger than any other plant’s from the mint family, mint itself included. 

I’ve had bee balms in the garden for a few years. They spread quickly and vigorously and are relatively care free, they even tolerate light shade, the only thing they dislike is overcrowding, if air doesn’t flow freely around their roots they become prone to mildew. 

An infusion of bee balm applied topically provides relief for minor rashes, burns and scrapes, it prevents infection, soothes inflammation and makes wounds heal faster. Not too bad for a plant that grows wild on the side of the road.

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