how to grow a garden effortlessly

A wise person once said that without a gardener there is no garden. As a dedicated green thumb I can testify to the great investment in time and effort that is required to maintain the garden magic which seems so effortless to a bystander. The garden reflects the gardener’s personality and loving care. The more love you pour in the dirt underfoot the more love will come out to embellish the earth.

That being said, many of us don’t have bottomless reserves of time and money, so this article is going to point out ways to make your work easier.

First, establishing easy care perennials will create good bones for your garden and will fill up large areas that you won’t have to worry about every year. The plants appropriate for this task are probably very familiar to you, and daylilies feature prominently among them. Here is a list of easy care perennials that should not be missing from the low maintenance garden: heuchera, stonecrops, landscaping roses, pampas grasses, peonies, azaleas, dogwood, barberry, and lilac.

Having large trees and bushes is both a blessing and a hindrance, but you are better off with them than without them.

Try using groundcover for problem areas (shade or poor soil). English ivy, pachysandra and vinca are very resilient, decorative and require no care.

The plants listed above should create as much of a care free garden as possible. The remaining spots can be filled with free blooming unpretentious annuals like marigolds, zinnias and petunias for pops of color.

If you do have the time and passion for gardening though, please don’t miss out on the exceptional. It is hard to grow Aimee Vibert roses, but the emotional reward of seeing them bloom in your garden is worth the effort.

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