cottage garden roses

When a cottage garden is well designed it makes you forget the planning that went into creating it and takes over by establishing new hierarchies, thriving on apparent randomness and developing a personality of its own.

Roses are very good companions in this environment and blend in flawlessly to add a romantic touch to the eager spikes of veronicas, tall stalks of delphiniums and fresh energy of daisies

Cottage garden roses don’t have the aristocratic look of the long stemmed hybrid teas, their flowers show up in bunches on gently arched stems to mingle with the fringed yarrow leaves and the fragrant lily cups. 

Surrounded by gladioli, lilies, bee-balms and zinnias, projected on the delicate weave of the sweet peas in the background, the summer garden would be incomplete without them, the quintessential summer flowers. There is no such thing as a disappointing rose, each one charms you in its own way and you end up filling your garden with them if you have the space and the sun exposure.

I look at the photo that accompanies this article and ask who could ask more of a flower; the perfectly formed corollas are held tightly in the cup of their outward petals and theirmiddles unfold in the neatly quartered pattern they inherited from their bourbon relatives.

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